Cannolificio Siciliana Dolci is located at Piazza Sant'Isidoro 5/7, in Palermo. Visit the Contacts section to find out how to get a shipment of cannoli. Consult the map opposite to find out how to reach our premises. For information on cannoli shipments or on the production of hot cannoli, our customers can contact the Cannolificio Siciliana Dolci by filling in the form opposite, or by calling the following telephone number: +39 091 6737203.
Piazza Sant'Isidoro, 5/7 - 90136 Palermo
39 091 6737203
39 333 3162233
Cell. 39 388 1266651
USA 215 407 8977
Lun - Sab 5:00 - 15:00
Sunday Closed